Sunday, October 18, 2009

Please Return My Shorts

Dearest Neighbour of Apartment 602,

Today while shaking the fuzzies from a pair of shorts on my balcony the wind suddenly wrestled the shorts away from my grip and they plummeted down to your 6th floor balcony. Included is a picture of the very fashionable garment:

Can you imagine how scared they must be there? They are my favourite pair. Please don't turn them into a mop. I suspect last time's green shirt was turned into a household mop.

Thank you very much in advance for returning my shorts!

Your neighbour and friend,



Anonymous said...

Haha. Absolutely hilarious. Maybe you should write a note and make a paper airplane out of it and fly it down onto their balcony? ;) - Judy J.

Anonymous said...

My 1/18th millionth black cousin,

Your posts are wonderful, entertaining, and a definite high point of my semi-dreary Autumn days. I have added you to my favourites, and make it a point to read your writing daily. I hope that's not creepy!

I do hope your shorts find their way home safely, keep us informed.

Char Bear said...

I must say I find it funny that TAXI is wrote in english..

Sneels said...

Hi there, this is Laura Neily! Denise made me aware of this blog, I hope you don't mind if I follow it. :) This story was quite humorous, I hope your shorts make their way home soon enough.

Ou.yang. said...

The shorts, you'll be relieved to know found their way home safely. We cuddled and sobbed together for hours.

Judy, a paper airplane is a good idea. Maybe we can work on some designs for the best flyers in class.

Char, a lot of things in China use English!

Hey Laura, glad to have you on board. :)

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