Friday, October 9, 2009

Trials, Birthdays and Independence

Well it's back to class today folks. After eight days off for China's National Day and Mid Autumn Festival China has no more festivals, or excuses to take anymore days off for the time being.

Today marks a few occasions:

  1. The final day of my 30 day trial "Get up at 6AM and run" project.
  2. Xiao Feng's calendar birthday
  3. National Independence Day in Uganda (Googled)
So a big Happy Bday to Xiao Feng, Congrats on our 30 day project (patting own back), and Happy Independence day to all my Ugandan readers!

I do a lot of tutorials on Youtube, for my guitar learning, singing and lately html. While perusing Youtube, I've found a lot of really talented musicians. This next video I particularly enjoyed:

These artists vids are fresh, perky and often times funky. I'd stop watching about halfway through as the video ends and some type of commentary starts from the muppet.




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