Monday, October 12, 2009


I'm addicted and helplessly so.

New ideas are my drug of choice. Ideas that sizzle my brain. Ones that make me nod internally and say Mhmmm. But those ideas that I disagree with are the ones I like the most.

I put the ideas into my MP3 player in the form of audio books and get my fix. Currently I'm reading (listening) to "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking." It's a book about understanding, tuning in and using our subconsciousness or "second" brain and it's role in rapid cognition or about the kind of thinking that happens in the "blink" of an eye. It talks about how this kind of thinking can be much more accurate in decision making, than to take a decision and to logically break it down for thorough analysis.

What I also like is that the book is written (spoken) in a down to earth manner manner without all the professional mumbo jumbo that can exclude many readers. If you have read this book what are some thoughts that you particularly found interesting? Have you tried the Implicit Association Test?

I'm still quite fresh into the book and rearing to read on! I'll update with some other thoughts about it at another time.

In other news I was excited to learn recently that I can really capitalize my titles anyway I want according to an article on You can find the article here.

And now off to enjoy the evening breeze on the boardwalk.



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