Friday, October 2, 2009

Creativity is like an orange.

Ah, the first blog post. I'm rather excited. Short sentences are fun.

This and my guitar shall serve as my two creative outputs. We all need creativity in our lives right? How do you express your creative self? How often do you do so?

Creativity is like an orange. What would you compare creativity to?

And silence on the questions. You may simply read for now, I shall not engage you for a few more paragraphs at least.

Something I have been trying to do is to enjoy eating. Not just enjoy eating but to ENJOY eating. To realize I'm eating and to eat the experience, not just the food. Now that is tasty stuff. But what does this all mean? Next time you are eating I invite you to take part in an experiment, one of focus and enjoyment. Instead of thinking what you have to do in 15 minutes, tomorrow or 10 years from now think and focus on your food: the flavours, the feel of the food in your mouth, chewing, the smells, the aftertastes, the feel of your hands (chopsticks, fork, spoon, etc.) on the food and where what you are consuming came from, etc.

That is a flavourful experience. It can make the experience of eating a plain white bowl of rice similar to that of eating a slice of rich chocolate cake.

So the other day Xiao Feng (XF) and I went out on a mission to find me alternative kinds of work. I had but two demands:

  1. To be able to speak Chinese on the job
  2. To make a higher salary than teaching English
The first place we attacked was 10 bus stops away. It was called Ninhao Events Organizing, roughly translated. The Ninhao bit is a formal way of saying hello in Chinese (I live in China for those that aren't in the know). We arrived and were greeted by a very friendly lady named Ms. Lu. She started blabbering away to XF assuming that I couldn't understand a word until XF interrupted like she always does and said in a nice tone "He can understand everything you say, why don't you just talk to him?" We chatted. She was impressed with my Chinese as any other foreigner she had talked had to spend the conversation buried in their electronic dictionaries. She would recommend me for Chinese speaking events and hosting as well as modeling.

Great start. We exchanged info, smiles and I went to buy a celebratory 1 yuan (15 cent) yogurt raisin ice cream. I didn't have time or focus to really eat the ice cream but it was still up to par as far as rushed celebratory ice creams go.

We jumped back on the same bus to return home. 10 stops and a ride by the ocean later we arrived home. It was hot. I was covered in sweat and couldn't wait for the elevator to hit the ninth floor so I could rip off my clothing and stamp around.

30 minutes later and with my clothing clothed on, stamps stamped out and a lunch lunched we were back out on the open road.

XF and I arrived at the next place called "Top Teen Models." Luckily I had just turned 16* and was still applicable. We opened the door and walked to the counter where we were greeted. Three young Chinese male models sitting on the couch behind us said tauntingly in Chinese "Hey, how tall are you?" and broke out laughing. I was too confused to be offended.

I had to walk on the catwalk to bouncy catwalk music and not crack a smile. That was successful.

I then pulled out my photos, gave an introduction of myself and my past experience and finally graced them with my contact info, including QQ** number.

And, at that XF and I had conquered the two largest agencies in Xiamen. Next we will do battle with the world of translating.

Mmm, ah... and now we are of sufficient length for a first post.



*I am not 16, but 24. Top Teen Models isn't exclusive to only teens. As they say "As long as you are teen at heart!***"
** QQ is the MSN of China. Ask any Chinese and they'll tell you.
*** So they don't actually say that.


Sarnwich said...

We've been having a werewolf moon lately. Full and yellow, surrounded by ominous dark clouds.

Like the focused eating, I do it occassionally myself but it's hard to remember that you're not just scarfing down kibble or rocket fuel when you're on the go...

"Hey, how tall are you?" What wit. Really. Really? I think in order to get into some premium heckling China should get into the "Your MAMA!" trend of yore.

Sarnwich said...

Also, good luck on your job hunt and I really like the photo! Mandarin oranges? :)

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