Saturday, October 10, 2009

Coming Alive

Writers can get so into their characters when writing a book that the characters "come alive" and provide them with insight, dialogue and attitude.

Ah, the imagination.

In reading one of the final chapters of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" he explains too that he before created an imaginary round table of all his heroes of the present and past. Nightly he would call them to the round table and head meetings where he'd ask for them to give him insight and direction. After not long it got to the point where they started developing personality quirks, like showing up late or being excessively cheeky. He got spooked and stopped doing it.

It makes me think, who would I have at my imaginary round table? Would I have an imaginary round table? Why not? How would I deal with the cheeky participants?

The question of the day for you is "Who would you have at your round table?"

So today is pay day which means we can actually buy things again after having been scraping by. It got to the point where I was tempted to take the $4 USD I had and exchange it at the bank. I thought that it'd be fun to do regardless, slapping down four disheveled notes in front of the already uber cranky bank clerk (I've never met one who wasn't a cranky pants) and smiling.

Anyhow money arrives today and I plan to buy a few things:

  1. XF's bday present.
  2. Misc. wedding stuff
  3. Tickets to the Philippines
  4. Soy Milk
  5. Satisfaction
Number five is just a result of the previous four. Now the money for all those things, especially the tickets to the Philippines is not sufficient so I'm expecting a phone call one of these days to do a modeling gig. Are you in Xiamen and need a charming male model? Drop me a comment! ;)

All for now! Give me some comments, I really am curious who you'd have at your round tables!



Sarnwich said...

Hmm, that's a toughie! Definitely not something that I thought about before... I'm pretty sure that it would get out of hand and I'd get spooked by it too.

I think I would have my grade five teacher, Mrs. Macleod, for her no-nonsense and often humorous outlook.

My grade eight English teacher, Mrs. Henry, who has always given me the best advice on my writing.

Mr. Munn, the somewhat senile customer from my paper route when I was younger, who would keep me for a half hour to give me advice, such as, "The world will try and give you shit. DON'T TAKE ANY OF IT!" (Which I should've paid more attention to..)

Ghandi, to emphasize peaceful alternatives as solutions to my problems while stressing personal strength.

Statler and Waldorf, to provide background commentary.

I'm sure there are many other people/characters that I would invite that I can't think of right now. I don't think I'd want to have anyone that I knew presently in real life, especially if they got out of hand at the round table and it started affecting my opinion of them.

Charles said...

I'm with Denise on inviting muppets into my round table, except that I'd only use muppets. There are enough celebrity and famous muppets that every round table would be filled with racuous and enlightening gang vocals.

Ou.yang. said...

It is always so frustrating to write a comment the second time around.

Thanks for sharing your picks and for the explanations! I alwasy remember Mr. Munn telling me how there would be a $5 coin very soon. Or that could've been Mr. Munn's neighbour. Not sure about that one...

I'm going to be lame on this question and say that I'll answer at a later time.The only person I can think of off the top of my head is Einstein,I've been doing a lot of reading about him lately and he seems to have had an amazing process of thought.

Also good touch with the two muppets. Charles other than the celebrity muppets who would you have at your table?

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