Thursday, May 6, 2010

One Yuan

One Yuan, something like 15 cents.

One yuan for me is a tool to take the bus, buy an ice cream or a bottle of water.

I also like giving them to beggars.

One yuan for a beggar I assume is different. I cannot know for sure as I am not a beggar. I can only guess that they may buy something to eat, perhaps cigarettes or maybe they give it at the end of the day to their boss?

One yuan for children from what I see is used to buy food coloured sugar water in plastic tubes, toys and trinkets or various parts of pig (?) smashed and smushed and presented as a hotdog on a stick.

One yuan for a farmer may be saved away for Spring Festival or maybe for his daughter's education.

One yuan stuck to a stone is often mistaken as a leaf to the stone.

What an odd post. Where did all that come from?


Anonymous said...

I rather liked this post.



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